Kate Winslet
226 Articles0 Comments

Moms love hydrogen peroxide. Here are 50 uses everyone ought to know

Fight Bad Breath Brushing your teeth swishing with minty mouthwash won’t always help get rid of bad breath. Hydrogen peroxide, on the other hand, helps get to the root of the problem by killing the germs that cause bad breath.…

Do You Feel Pain In Your Knees? Try This Stretch

In this featured video, one fitness leader shows an amazingly effective way to reduce your knee pain significantly. Before or after you watch the video, check out the step-by-step instructions. Fold a hand towel in half. Sit on a chair…

Eight More Uses For Vinegar You May Not Have Thought Of

Clean that yucky shower curtain liner. As we know, shower curtain liners can get cloudy and pretty icky after a while. Next time this happens, throw it in the washing machine and reach for the vinegar. Place the liner in…

Husband rips apart bedroom while wife was away on church trip

Nellie Jurgy and her husband Bryce are two lovebirds that enjoy a bit of internet celebrity status, as the pair is known for their family-focused YouTube channel “The Jurgys” with over 233.000 subscribers. If there’s one thing that Nellie always…

With Just 3 Ingredients Mom Shares The Best Way To Clean Your Dirty, Sticky Oven Leaving It Spotless

Maintaining a clean kitchen takes some effort. But with determination and a little bit of elbow grease, you can have your kitchen sparkling in no time. However, while many tend to focus on the more obvious areas of a kitchen,…

Kitchen Hacks Not Many People Know About

1. Perfect Rice Hack When you cook rice, does it come out mushy and one giant blob of rice? An easy way to combat this problem and create the perfect rice, is by adding in a kitchen towel. Stay with…

Chef’s Top Kitchen Hacks To Make Cooking Easier

Prevent Boil Over No better way to ruin the fun pasta-making vibes than an overflowing pot. There is however, a way to stop this from happening. Simply place a wooden spoon across the top of your pot. No-Stick Measuring Spoon…

Dip a comb in caramel for a fancy trick that’ll seriously impress dinner guests

If you’re the sort of person who enjoys getting creative in the kitchen, you’ll want to try these beautiful sugar tricks ASAP. First thing’s first, you’ll need to make the caramel syrup base. This is the “sugar” to the 5…

People had no idea ceiling fans have a switch for hot and cold

With so many home appliances, it can be difficult keeping track of all of the unique features that many of these devices include. Sometimes, in order to discover these features all you need to do is read the manual. But…

Ice Cubes Are The Best Laundry Hack Ever

The internet is full of ways to make doing laundry easier. A new hack floating around the internet claims that there is an easy solution to ironing clothes: Just toss in a couple of ice cubes with your load. The…